A talk about Par Consols by Ainsley Cocks

A talk about Par Consols by Ainsley Cocks
14th Sept 6.30pm

at Tywardreath Village Hall,
£5 entry at door, raffle, refreshments

Ainsley Cocks is the Research and Information Officer with the Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape World Heritage Site (or Cornish Mining World Heritage Site), hosted by Cornwall Council. Born and raised in Cornwall, Ainsley has a background in industrial archaeology and mining heritage and holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Industrial Heritage Management (University of Exeter/Camborne School of Mines).

Hosted by ISOT (In Search of Tywardreath) and  Tywardreath PCC

In Search of Tywardreath are dedicated to finding, recording and sharing the history of the village and the surrounding areas.

You can contact us at insearchoftywardreath@hotmail.com if you would like to hear more about us and get involved with our meetings and events.
Next up: Family Games Night on Saturday 30th Sept 6pm at Village & Scout Hall, play games such as Jenga, chess, bar billiards, Ludo, and those found in a casino. Refreshments available, raffle proceeds to Marie Curie.